How to Avoid Toxic Workplaces During or Before a Job Interview
By Saeed Mirshekari

June 24, 2023

A Personal Story

During my early career, I encountered a toxic work environment that left a lasting impact on my professional and personal well-being. I had joined a small company with high hopes, only to discover a culture characterized by constant micromanagement, blame shifting, and a lack of transparency.

From the very beginning, it became evident that the company valued quantity over quality. Deadlines were unreasonably tight, and there was little regard for work-life balance. The pressure to meet unrealistic expectations resulted in a stressful and chaotic work environment.

Moreover, the leadership style was authoritarian and dismissive of employee concerns. Constructive feedback was met with defensiveness and hostility, which stifled creativity and hindered professional growth. The negative atmosphere permeated the entire team, leading to a high turnover rate and a sense of constant unease.

As time went on, the toxic environment took a toll on my mental health. I began experiencing increased anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and a general sense of unhappiness both at work and in my personal life. It became clear that I needed to prioritize my well-being and make a change only after less than a year.

Reflecting on this experience, I realized the importance of recognizing warning signs and conducting thorough research before joining a new organization. I now take the time to thoroughly assess company culture, seeking out opportunities to connect with current or former employees to gain insights into their experiences.

Additionally, I have learned to trust my instincts during the interview process. If something feels off or raises concerns, I no longer dismiss those feelings. I prioritize finding a work environment that aligns with my values and promotes a healthy, supportive culture.

Speaking of gut feeling during the interview, let me share a few exact questions that I still remember being asked during that interview:

  1. What car do you drive?!
  2. How would you react if your boss is a moron?

See, it was preventable in the first place. I was just so naïve at the time.

While the toxic work environment was challenging to endure, it served as a valuable lesson. I now understand the significance of avoiding toxic workplaces and prioritize my well-being and career satisfaction above all else.


Finding the right job goes beyond the nature of the work itself. A crucial aspect to consider is the work environment, as it greatly impacts our overall well-being and professional growth. Toxic work environments can lead to stress, burnout, and even long-term negative effects on mental health. To ensure a positive and fulfilling career journey, it is vital to identify and avoid toxic workplaces. This article provides practical guidance on recognizing red flags, conducting thorough research, and assessing company culture to steer clear of toxic work environments during or before a job interview.

1. Recognize the Warning Signs

To avoid toxic work environments, it is essential to recognize the warning signs. These indicators can manifest in various ways, such as excessive turnover, negative employee reviews, poor leadership, lack of work-life balance, and a culture of blame and micromanagement. Stay vigilant during the job search process, paying attention to online reviews, employee testimonials, and any news or reports regarding the company's work environment. Trust your instincts and be wary of organizations that consistently exhibit red flags.

2. Thoroughly Research the Company

Before applying for a job or attending an interview, invest time in researching the company thoroughly. Start with their official website to gain insights into their mission, values, and overall company culture. Look for any publicized initiatives related to employee well-being, diversity, and inclusivity. Utilize professional networking platforms to connect with current or former employees who can provide valuable firsthand experiences and perspectives. Online forums and social media platforms can also offer additional information and discussions about the company's work environment.

3. Utilize Interview Opportunities

Job interviews are not only a chance for the employer to assess you, but also an opportunity for you to evaluate the company and its work environment. Prepare a list of thoughtful questions to ask during the interview that specifically address the work environment, team dynamics, and employee support systems. Ask about the company's values and how they are upheld in day-to-day operations. Inquire about their commitment to employee growth, work-life balance policies, and approaches to conflict resolution. Observe the demeanor and communication style of the interviewer, as it can provide insights into the company's overall culture.

4. Seek External Perspectives

Gather external perspectives to supplement your research. Reach out to your professional network, including mentors, colleagues, or industry groups, to inquire about the company's reputation and work environment. Industry-specific websites or forums can also provide valuable insights from professionals who have had direct experiences with the company or industry.

5. Trust Your Gut

Lastly, trust your instincts. Pay attention to how you feel throughout the application and interview process. If something feels off or raises concerns, it is crucial to listen to those inner warning signals. Prioritize your well-being and long-term career satisfaction by choosing organizations that align with your values and promote a positive work culture.


Avoiding toxic work environments is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling career. By recognizing warning signs, conducting thorough research, utilizing interview opportunities, seeking external perspectives, and trusting your gut, you can navigate job interviews and make informed decisions that promote a positive work environment. Remember, choosing a company with a healthy work culture is an investment in your professional growth and overall well-being.

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Saeed Mirshekari

Saeed is currently a Director of Data Science in Mastercard and the Founder & Director of OFallon Labs LLC. He is a former research scholar at LIGO team (Physics Nobel Prize of 2017).

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