The Best Way To Become a Better Data Scientist: University Programs? Bootcamps? or Mentoring Programs?
By Alexia Dominique

September 14, 2022

Many great data scientists have a degree in data science, so you think that maybe you should go to college, too, so you can be as great as them.

But when you’re busy with your day job, too old to go to school, or don’t have the money to enroll in online courses, getting a data science degree isn’t the best option.

A good alternative could be participating in a 1-on-1 data science mentorship because, one, the schedule is flexible, and two, it won’t break your bank as it costs significantly less than data science bootcamps which can cost you up to $30,000 in the US.

Data science is a field that requires strong analytical thinking skills, and that can't be taught only in a classroom.

A professor can't simply tell you to analyze a piece of data over and over again and then—BOOM—you now have strong analytical skills. It doesn't work like that.

You have to practice solving tough problems and then CONSTANTLY increase the difficulty of the problems you solve to challenge yourself so you can be a great data scientist once you are already in the field. Data science is all about brain training!

There are many subjects being taught in schools that you really won’t use once you become a data scientist.

You only have a few extra hours a day to study and a limited budget in hand, so you can’t afford to study those subjects, too.

Plus, data science is a complex subject in itself, so a self-paced and more concentrated 1-on-1 learning method could be better for your situation.

With the help of a data science mentor, you will be able to train your mind more effectively and with less stress because they will provide feedback, guidance, and motivation every step of the way. You aren’t alone in the journey!

If you’re confused, they will give you clarity. If you are stuck, they will show you the way. If you feel like giving up, they will be there as your friend. And if you fail, they will be there to support you.

And when it’s time for you to enter the field, they will give you tips, advice, and professional connections that will be helpful for your job search. That’s a great way to start your data science career!

So take part in a 1-on-1 data science mentoring session with O’Fallon Labs NOW and reach your dreams without breaking the bank!

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About O'Fallon Labs

In O'Fallon Labs we help recent graduates and professionals to get started and thrive in their Data Science careers via 1:1 mentoring and more.


Alexia Dominique

Alexia is a talent writer at upwork. She is interested in writing about a varioty of topics including careers in technology.

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