ROC Curve vs. PR Curve: Why You Need Both for Effective Model Evaluation
By Saeed Mirshekari

May 22, 2024

ROC Curve or PR Curve: Why You Need Both in Machine Learning Evaluation

In the realm of machine learning model evaluation, the choice between ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve and PR (Precision-Recall) curve can be pivotal. Each curve provides unique insights into model performance depending on the problem at hand. In this article, we'll explore the differences between these evaluation metrics, when to use them, and why leveraging both can be essential for a comprehensive understanding of your model's capabilities.

Understanding ROC Curve and PR Curve

ROC Curve

The ROC curve illustrates the performance of a binary classifier across different threshold settings. It plots the true positive rate (TPR) against the false positive rate (FPR). The area under the ROC curve (AUC-ROC) quantifies the model's ability to distinguish between classes.

Learn more about ROC curves and their significance in classifier evaluation here.

PR Curve

The PR curve, on the other hand, depicts the trade-off between precision and recall for different threshold values. Precision measures the accuracy of positive predictions, while recall (sensitivity) gauges the model's ability to capture positive instances.

Explore the intricacies of PR curves and their importance in imbalanced classification scenarios here.

When to Use ROC Curve

The ROC curve is particularly useful when:

  • Class distribution is balanced.
  • False positives are as critical as false negatives.
  • Emphasis is on the classifier's ability to discriminate between classes across all thresholds.

Leverage ROC curves to assess model performance in scenarios where the true negative rate (specificity) is equally important.

When to Use PR Curve

The PR curve shines in the following scenarios:

  • Class imbalance exists, making accuracy metrics misleading.
  • The focus is on positive class identification.
  • False positives should be minimized to enhance precision.

Use PR curves to evaluate model performance when positive instances are rare or when prioritizing precision over recall.

Why You Need Both: Comprehensiveness and Context


ROC curves emphasize the classifier's ability to distinguish between classes across all thresholds, making them suitable for assessing overall performance. However, in imbalanced datasets where positive instances are rare, ROC curves can be misleading.

PR curves offer a nuanced view, focusing on the positive class and showcasing precision-recall trade-offs. They provide valuable insights into model behavior under different threshold settings, especially in scenarios where false positives have significant consequences.

Contextual Relevance

The choice between ROC and PR curves depends on the specific problem context and class distribution. While ROC curves are informative in balanced datasets, PR curves offer deeper insights in imbalanced settings.

By utilizing both curves, data scientists can gain a holistic understanding of model strengths and weaknesses, facilitating informed decision-making and performance optimization.


In conclusion, the debate between ROC curve and PR curve is not about choosing one over the other but recognizing their complementary roles in machine learning evaluation. While ROC curves excel in balanced scenarios, PR curves provide critical insights in imbalanced settings. Leveraging both curves equips data scientists with a comprehensive toolkit for assessing model performance and making data-driven decisions.

For more insights on machine learning evaluation techniques and best practices, visit Analytics Vidhya.

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Saeed Mirshekari

Saeed is currently a Director of Data Science in Mastercard and the Founder & Director of OFallon Labs LLC. He is a former research scholar at LIGO team (Physics Nobel Prize of 2017).

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