There Are Two Types of Data Scientists: Professional Users vs. Professional Builders
By Saeed Mirshekari

December 15, 2023

In the expansive realm of data science, individuals often find themselves fitting into one of two broad categories: professional users and professional builders. These distinctions go beyond job titles, shedding light on the diverse roles, skills, and perspectives within the data science community. In this exploration, we'll delve into the characteristics of professional users and professional builders, examining their roles, contributions, and the dynamic interplay that drives innovation in the field.

Understanding the Landscape: Professional Users and Professional Builders

1. The Professional User

a. Role and Responsibilities

Professional users in data science are individuals who leverage existing tools, platforms, and analyses to derive insights. They excel in interpreting data, extracting meaningful information, and applying findings to inform decision-making within their respective domains.

b. Skill Set

While professional users may possess strong analytical skills, their primary focus lies in utilizing pre-existing frameworks and technologies. Proficiency in data visualization, statistical analysis, and domain-specific knowledge is paramount for effective data interpretation.

c. Tools of the Trade

Professional users commonly rely on user-friendly tools and platforms to conduct analyses. They may use BI (Business Intelligence) tools, statistical software, or data visualization platforms to explore and communicate insights without delving into the intricacies of code-based development.

d. Contributions

Professional users contribute by translating complex data into actionable insights for decision-makers. Their role is crucial in bridging the gap between raw data and its practical applications within various industries, ensuring that data-driven insights align with organizational goals.

2. The Professional Builder

a. Role and Responsibilities

On the other side of the spectrum, professional builders are individuals deeply immersed in the development and construction of data science solutions. They design algorithms, create models, and build the infrastructure necessary for robust data analysis.

b. Skill Set

Professional builders possess advanced technical skills, including programming proficiency in languages like Python or R. Their expertise extends to machine learning, statistical modeling, and database management, allowing them to create custom solutions tailored to unique data challenges.

c. Tools of the Trade

Professional builders often work with programming languages and frameworks to construct custom solutions. They may use machine learning libraries, data engineering tools, and cloud platforms to design, develop, and deploy complex data science systems.

d. Contributions

Professional builders contribute by pushing the boundaries of what is possible in data science. They create custom algorithms, develop machine learning models, and build scalable data infrastructure, laying the foundation for innovation and advancing the capabilities of data science within organizations.

The Dynamic Interplay: Collaboration and Synergy

1. Collaborative Endeavors

a. Complementary Roles

While professional users and professional builders have distinct roles, their collaboration is often symbiotic. Professional users rely on the tools and solutions crafted by professional builders to extract insights, while professional builders depend on user feedback to refine and improve their creations.

b. Bridging the Gap

Effective collaboration between users and builders bridges the gap between theoretical data science capabilities and real-world applications. Builders gain insights into user needs, refining their solutions, and users benefit from increasingly sophisticated tools tailored to their specific requirements.

2. Fluid Transitions

a. Dual Competency

In some cases, individuals may straddle both categories, possessing the ability to both use existing tools effectively and build custom solutions. This dual competency is valuable in fostering seamless transitions between user and builder roles based on project requirements.

b. Career Progression

Data scientists often experience a dynamic career progression, starting as users and evolving into builders as they deepen their technical skills. This fluid transition reflects the ever-evolving nature of the data science field and the diverse paths individuals can take.

Success Stories: Profiling Professional Users and Professional Builders

1. The Analyst Turned Builder

a. Evolution of Skills

An analyst started as a professional user, utilizing BI tools for data interpretation. Over time, they transitioned into a professional builder role, acquiring programming skills and developing custom algorithms to enhance data analysis capabilities within their organization.

2. The Data Engineer with User Empathy

a. User-Centric Solutions

A data engineer recognized the importance of user-centric solutions and developed tools that catered to the needs of professional users. This approach not only enhanced user experiences but also facilitated collaboration between builders and users within the organization.

Strategies for Success: Navigating the Dual Landscape

1. Professional Users: Enhancing Skills

a. Continuous Learning

Professional users can enhance their skills by embracing continuous learning. Familiarity with new tools, advanced statistical techniques, and data visualization methods keeps them at the forefront of data-driven decision-making.

b. Collaboration with Builders

Forge strong collaborations with professional builders. Provide constructive feedback on tools and platforms, enabling builders to refine their solutions. This collaborative dialogue ensures that user needs are at the forefront of data science innovation.

2. Professional Builders: User-Centric Development

a. Understanding User Perspectives

Professional builders should actively seek to understand user perspectives. Conduct user interviews, gather feedback, and empathize with the challenges faced by professional users to inform the development of solutions that align with practical needs.

b. Communication Skills

Develop strong communication skills to articulate the value of complex solutions to non-technical stakeholders. Bridging the communication gap ensures that the impact of custom-built solutions is effectively communicated and understood across the organization.

Conclusion: Embracing Diversity in Data Science Roles

In the dual landscape of professional users and professional builders, diversity is key to the success of data science initiatives. Each role contributes unique strengths, and the collaborative interplay between users and builders propels innovation. By recognizing the distinct characteristics of these roles, fostering collaboration, and embracing a fluid career progression, individuals can navigate the dynamic landscape of data science with agility and success.

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Saeed Mirshekari

Saeed is currently a Director of Data Science in Mastercard and the Founder & Director of OFallon Labs LLC. He is a former research scholar at LIGO team (Physics Nobel Prize of 2017).

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