Top Questions to Ask a Data Scientist
By Saeed Mirshekari

July 21, 2023

As data becomes an increasingly critical asset for businesses and industries, the role of data scientists has become more prominent. Data scientists are analytical experts who utilize their skills to extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data. Whether you are looking to hire a data scientist or seeking advice for your own data science journey, asking the right questions is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the top questions to ask a data scientist, along with the reasoning behind each question.

Why Did You Choose to Pursue a Career in Data Science?

Asking a data scientist about their career motivation can provide valuable insights into their passion for the field. Understanding their journey and what attracted them to data science can help you gauge their commitment and enthusiasm. Look for candidates who display genuine excitement about solving complex problems with data-driven solutions.

What Programming Languages and Tools are You Proficient in?

Data scientists work with various programming languages and tools to manipulate and analyze data. Common languages include Python and R, while tools like SQL, Jupyter, and TensorFlow are widely used. A data scientist's proficiency in these languages and tools can impact their efficiency and the types of projects they can handle.

Can You Explain the Data Science Process from Problem Formulation to Deployment?

A competent data scientist should be able to articulate the entire data science process clearly. This process usually involves problem formulation, data collection, data cleaning, data exploration, modeling, evaluation, and deployment. Understanding their approach and methodology is crucial for assessing their ability to tackle real-world data challenges.

How Do You Handle Missing or Noisy Data?

Handling missing or noisy data is a common challenge in data science projects. A data scientist should be well-versed in various data imputation techniques and noise reduction methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their analyses. Inquire about their strategies for dealing with such issues.

Can You Describe Your Experience with Machine Learning Algorithms?

Machine learning is a fundamental aspect of data science. A proficient data scientist should possess a good understanding of various machine learning algorithms, such as linear regression, decision trees, random forests, and deep learning models. Ask about their experience in implementing these algorithms in real-world scenarios.

How Do You Communicate Your Findings and Insights to Non-Technical Stakeholders?

Data scientists not only deal with data but also play a vital role in communicating their findings to stakeholders. Effective communication skills are essential for conveying complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences. Ask about their experience in presenting data-driven insights to decision-makers.

Can You Share an Example of a Successful Data Science Project You Worked On?

Asking for a real-life project example allows the data scientist to showcase their skills and accomplishments. Look for stories of how they addressed specific challenges, the impact of their solutions, and the overall success of the project. A strong portfolio of successful projects demonstrates their ability to deliver results.

How Do You Stay Updated with the Latest Trends and Advancements in Data Science?

Data science is a rapidly evolving field with new techniques and technologies emerging constantly. A dedicated data scientist should actively engage in continuous learning and stay updated with the latest trends, research papers, and industry developments. Look for candidates who participate in data science communities, attend conferences, and contribute to open-source projects.

How Do You Approach Ethical Considerations in Data Science?

Data scientists handle vast amounts of sensitive data, and ethical considerations are of utmost importance. Inquire about their approach to data privacy, bias mitigation, and the responsible use of data. A data scientist who is aware of and values ethical considerations will ensure that their work aligns with industry best practices and regulations.

How Do You Collaborate with Other Team Members and Departments?

Data science projects often require collaboration with cross-functional teams, including engineers, business analysts, and domain experts. A data scientist should possess strong interpersonal skills and be able to work effectively in a team environment. Look for candidates who can describe their experiences working with diverse teams and their ability to adapt to different working styles.


Asking the right questions is crucial when engaging with data scientists, whether for hiring purposes or seeking advice. The questions mentioned above can provide valuable insights into a data scientist's skills, experiences, and approach to their work. From technical expertise to communication skills and ethical considerations, a well-rounded data scientist should demonstrate proficiency in various areas of the data science process. So, use these questions as a guide to finding the right data scientist or enhancing your own data science journey. Happy data exploring!

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Saeed Mirshekari

Saeed is currently a Director of Data Science in Mastercard and the Founder & Director of OFallon Labs LLC. He is a former research scholar at LIGO team (Physics Nobel Prize of 2017).

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